I know you must’ve seen the Oscar nominations and thought to yourself: But what do two random people in the Midwest think of all this?
If for no reason other than having opinions about it, these are the Oscar nominations I would’ve voted for, if I had a ballot. Will I nominate Drag Me To Hell for five Oscars like Dave did? (Spoiler Alert: No. Not that into horror.)
I did give myself the handicap of limiting the choices to only films that I’ve seen (except for original song, because that’s impossible; and animated feature, because I only saw three or so).
Visual Effects
District 9
Star Trek
Can’t disagree with the Academy here. Can I just say that while the visual flare of J. J. Abrams’ Star Trek was something I immensely enjoyed, I can’t help but feel that it’s the apple version of the ST universe? An “iStarTrek,” if you will. Am I crazy?
Sound Editing
District 9
The Hurt Locker
Inglourious Basterds
Star Trek
The art of loud noises. It’s not a part of the IMAX/Ultrascreen experience that people mention as much as the visual components, but it’s integral all the same.
Sound Mixing
District 9
Fantastic Mr. Fox
The Hurt Locker
Inglourious Basterds
Star Trek
While I respect Avatar in the previous category, for creating sound effects for things that don’t exist in real life, the overall mix of sound, score, and dialogue didn’t strike me as artful in any way. Witness the masterful use of tense silence suddenly ratcheted into chaos in both Locker and Basterds, or the raucous opening horns of Star Trek blasting us off into space. And Fox was the best at turning the soundtrack up and down at the right moments, something Wes Anderson films are always wont to do.
Best Make Up
District 9
The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus
The Road
Arguably the most surprising scene in District 9 is when a surprise alien prosthetic arm pops out of nowhere, as it were. How AMPAS ignored that for standard paleface period-piece business in The Young Victoria is beyond me.
Best Costume Design
The Brothers Bloom
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
Inglourious Basterds
Public Enemies
Sherlock Holmes
What’s that? You didn’t see The Brothers Bloom and it’s archly complete visual flair? Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll mention it again at some point.
Best Art Direction
The Brothers Bloom
District 9
Inglourious Basterds
Sherlock Holmes
Where the Wild Things Are
This may be as good as place as any other to mention that as much as I wanted to like Where The Wild Things Are, it left me a little hollow, and my memory hasn’t treated it very well. Maybe I’ll watch it again, but I really don’t need to be reminded again that it’s confusing and sometimes depressing to be nine.
Best Song
Coraline- “Other Father Song”
Crazy Heart – “The Weary Kind”
Simon & Malou- “No Time For Love”
That Evening Sun- “Depression Era”
Where the Wild Things Are – “Hideaway”
Every time I see that “The Weary Kind” was co-written by someone named “Ryan Bingham,” I go “where do I know that name from?” before I remember it’s George Clooney’s character in Up In The Air. Anyway, good tune.
Also I scoured the list for some more obscure contenders: if we’re not worried about length, one of They Might Be Giants’ Johns had a fun thirty second ditty in Coraline, some foreign rom-com called Simon & Malou had a rocking (Enlgish) song by Maria Apetri, and forgotten Hal-Holbrook vehicle That Evening Sun had a song by the guy from Drive-By Truckers.
Finally, I much prefer Kareno O’s more somber “Hideaway” from Wild Things to “All Is Love,” but it might be because kids singing in high voices make me want to kick things for some reason.
Best Score
Nathan Johnson, The Brothers Bloom
Alexandre Desplat, Fantastic Mr. Fox
Clint Mansell, Moon
Hans Zimmer, Sherlock Holmes
Carter Burwell and Karen O, Where the Wild Things Are
Best Animated Feature
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Mary And Max
Ahem. From the official Oscar bylaws:
“An animated feature film is defined as a motion picture with a running time of at least 70 minutes, in which movement and characters’ performances are created using a frame-by-frame technique. In addition, a significant number of the major characters must be animated, and animation must figure in no less than 75 percent of the picture’s running time.”
Just saying.
Best Cinematography
The Brothers Bloom
District 9
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
The Hurt Locker
Inglourious Basterds
In order, for symmetry, shakiness, meltiness, immediacy, and conversational staidness.
Best Film Editing
The Brothers Bloom
District 9
The Hurt Locker
Inglourious Basterds
In The LoopPacing is very, very important to comedies, and the dark tour de force
In The Loop knew just what it was doing. Why no
Avatar? Because it was about forty minutes too long, that’s why.
Best Adapted Screenplay
District 9
Fantastic Mr. Fox
The Informant!
In the Loop
Up In The AirThree real nominees, one near miss (
Fox), and Scott Burns’ well-crafted farce from a non-fiction book.
Best Original Screenplay
Broken Embraces
The Brothers Bloom
The Hurt Locker
Inglourious Basterds
MoonSome great original scripts this year, including the inventive sci-fi indie
Moon and maybe my favorite from Almodovar so far.
Best Supporting ActressVera Farmiga-
Up In The AirAnna Kendrick-
Up In The AirDiane Krueger –
Inglourious BasterdsGina McKee-
In The LoopBlanco Portillo-
Broken EmbracesLast Woman Out: Meryl Streep -
Fantastic Mr. FoxI felt it important to highlight the work of McKee and an Almodovar player not named “Penelope” here. But when will voice-acting (or motion capture) get its day, anyway?
Best Supporting ActorPeter Capaldi –
In the LoopAnthony Mackie –
The Hurt LockerMark Ruffalo-
The Brothers BloomKarl Urban-
Star TrekChristoph Waltz –
Inglourious BasterdsLast Man Out: Jackie Earle Haley –
WatchmenA fun one to fill out this year- Ruffalo’s great in
Bloom, no matter how stiff he seems to be in the trailer, I promise. Waltz is a force of nature, Urban stole every scene he was in in
Star Trek, and Capaldi took
In The Loop to a whole new level. And I keep thinking Mackie was nominated, then remembering he got overlooked for Matt Damon’s role in
Invictus as a piece of wheat toast.
Best ActressPenelope Cruz-
Broken EmbracesMelanie Laurent-
Inglourious BasterdsAlison Lohman –
Drag Me to HellLeslie Mann-
Funny PeopleRachel Weisz-
The Brothers BloomLast Woman Out: Julia Roberts-
DuplicityLaurent was submitted for leading, according to my sources (as in, “the internet”), so I’m putting her here. I suppose I’ll help “legitimize” horror by giving Lohman a nod for being game for anything.
Funny People is something I think a lot more people would have like if they knew nothing about Judd Apatow, and Mann really holds the middle of it together.
Best ActorGeorge Clooney –
Up in the AirSharlto Copley-
District 9Matt Damon –
The Informant!Jeremy Renner-
The Hurt LockerSam Rockwell-
MoonLast Man Out: Robert Downey, Jr. –
Sherlock HolmesLost amid the late-act splatters and explosions in
District 9 is Copley’s affecting performance of a desperate man. Damon found his Oscar role, but it was unfortunately in a comedy. Renner and Clooney are justly deserving, and you didn’t think I could possibly
not nominate Sam Rockwell, did you? He’s Sam Rockwell!
Best DirectorWes Anderson- Fantastic Mr. Fox
Kathryn Bigelow –
The Hurt LockerNeil Blomkamp –
District 9Rian Johnson –
The Brothers Bloom Quentin Tarantino –
Inglourious Basterds Last Man/Woman Out: Jason Reitman–
Up In The Air Yeah, that’s right. I think Rian Johnson did a better job directing
The Brothers Bloom than Cameron did
Avatar. I weighed the technical merits of both against other things like writing, acting, preponderance of thinly-veiled racism, and found myself with a clear victor.
Best Picture
Broken Embraces
The Brothers Bloom
District 9
Fantastic Mr. Fox
The Hurt Locker
In The Loop
Inglourious Basterds
Sherlock Holmes
Star Trek
Up in the AirLast Two Films Out: Up and
MoonHey , AMPAS and I agree on four films, which is more than I expected.
TotalsInglourious Basterds – 12
District 9 – 11
The Brothers Bloom – 10
The Hurt Locker – 9
Fantastic Mr. Fox – 6
Up in the Air – 5
Star Trek – 5
In The Loop – 5
Broken Embraces – 4
Sherlock Holmes – 4
Moon – 3
Avatar – 3
Where the Wild Things Are – 3
The Informant! – 2
Coraline – 2
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus – 2