This Week In Actual Movie Taglines

No Strings Attached

Actual tagline: Friendship has its benefits.

This year we get not one, but two entries in the burgeoning subgenre of Former 'That 70s Show' Stars Having Casual Sex. Who knew there was such a market for such a thing.

Anyway, we get the Natalie Portman-Ashton Kutcher version in January, and the Mila Kunis-Justin Timberlake one in July.

Just to add to the confusion we'll all surely have years from now remembering which is which, No Strings Attached went with a tagline that brings the competing film's title, Friends With Benefits to mind.

Which one will be better? Who can say? No Strings Attached does boast Ivan Reitman as director, although he hasn't made a good film since... Dave, in 1993? I would watch Dave if it came up on cable. Friends With Benefits has Will Gluck, of the surprisingly winning Easy A, behind the lens.

The Way Back

Actual tagline: Their escape was just the beginning

New Peter Weir movie! And it comes out on Friday? In over 600 theaters? Amazing.

Why has Weir gone all Terrence Malick on us? He worked pretty regularly until the 90s- in 1972 he has five credits to his name. Now it'll be five-plus years until we hear from him again.

Oh, the tagline: eh. Thanks for hammering home the plot, but it is called 'The Way Back,' after all. I wonder more about the change from the title of the book, The Long Walk- I suppose that didn't sound terribly exciting.

But hey, something I wanna see. In January!

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